Get involved in our

TNR Program!

Trap-Neuter-Return, or "TNR," is the most humane and effective method known for managing feral and stray cats and reducing their numbers. The cats, who typically live together in a colony, are trapped and brought to a veterinary clinic by our TNR coordinators and volunteers. They are then spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and ear-tipped.

After recovering, the cats can be returned back to their original territory or to a barn home. Since our establishment, we have rehabilitated hundreds of feral cats into barn homes. Providing a natural form of pest and rodent control while humanely giving a feral cat a home, barn cats are a great opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship between humans and feral kitties. To avoid overcrowding, we like to find a place for our cats before heading to colonies to trap them; contact us to adopt a barn cat!

If the trapped cat or kittens are friendly, our team will work to rehabilitate and place the cat for adoption or foster through our program.

The best way to get involved in our TNR program is to volunteer with our staff team! You can attend trappings, help transport cats, or bring sick cats for medical care.

TNR Cat in Cat Shelter
Trapped Cat
TNR Cat in Cat Shelter